
Presentation of the Azerbaijan’s Poetry Calendar 2015

The presentation of the Calendar 2015 published by the Beta Medical Publications dedicated to Azerbaijan’s poetry as seen through the eyes of the Physician-Author Dr. George Schoretsanitis took place on Thursday, November 20, 2014, at STOA TOU VIVLIOU.

The life and works of the most famous national poets of Azerbaijani, as Mohammad Fizuli, Molla-Panakh Vagif, Natavan, Mirza Alakbar Sabir, Suleyman Rustam, Almas Ildirim, Mikayil Mushfig, Rasul Rza, Ali Karim, Khalil Rza, Fikrat Goja and others were presented at the calendar.

The event was attended by the representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Greece, President of Supreme Court of Greece, Mr. Athanasios Koutromanos, several University professors, i.e. Professor of Surgical Oncology Odyseas Zoras, Professor of Medical Histrory Georgios Androutsos and well known people from the Press and the Media, i.e Mr Giannis Plachouris and Alexis Kostalas, as well as by people from the Arts and Sciences of Greece, i.e Stavros Zacharopoulos, Georgios Chronas e.t.c.

Finally, the event was concluded by a musical presentation by the performers Maria Soultatou and Lydia Servou, under the supervision of the composer Neoklis Neofitidis.

The Calendar in Greec Mass Media:
entertainment.in.gr – Εικονογραφημένο Ημερολόγιο 2015. Ποιητές του Αζερμπαϊτζάν

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