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δελτίο τύπου 14 sentyabr 2013

Ambassador of Azerbaijan paid working visit to Thessaloniki

On September 9-10, Mr. Rahman Mustafayev, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Hellenic Republic, paid working visit to Thessaloniki, where he met with the Minister of Macedonia and Thrace Mr. T. Karaoglou, Mayor of Thessaloniki Mr. G. Boutari, Rector of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Mr. G. Mylopoulos, President of the Exporters’ Association of Northern Greece (SEVE) Mr. D. Lakasas, President of the Federation of Industries of Northern Greece (FING) Mr. A. Savakis .

During these meetings the issues of further strengthening of bilateral cooperation between Greece and Azerbaijan in the fields of trade and economy, culture and science and twin partnership between Thessaloniki and Gandja have been discussed. Further development of cooperation between the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the State University of Baku according to the recently signed Memorandum were at the focus of the meeting between Ambassador Mustafayev and the Rector of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Mr. G. Mylopoulos.

Also, during his visit Mr. Ambassador met Mr. Babis Papaioannou, Project Coordinator of Thessaloniki – European Youth Capital 2014, to discuss issues related to the participation of Azerbaijani Youth in the program of European Youth Capital 2014.

On September 10, Ambassador Mr. R. Mustafayev participated at the Inaugural Session of the Association of Greek – Azerbaijani Friendship and Cooperation.

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