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δελτίο τύπου 14 sentyabr 2013

Association of Greek-Azerbaijani Friendship and Cooperation was established in Thessaloniki

On September 10, Ambassador Mr. R. Mustafayev participated at the Inaugural Session of the Association for Greek – Azerbaijani Friendship and Cooperation.

Association was founded by the representatives of the scientific and cultural community of Thessaloniki, businessmen and public figures of the city for the development of economic, investment and cultural cooperation between Greece and Azerbaijan.

Minister of Macedonia and Thrace, Mr. Theodoros Karaoglou, Ambassador Mr. Rahman Mustafayev, President of the Association, Mr. Charalambos Tsarouhas, Rectors of the Aristotle University Mr. Giannis Milopoulos and University of Macedonia Mr. Giannis Chatzidimitriou, President of the Exporters’ Association of Northern Greece (SEVE) Mr. Dimitrios Lakasas and representatives of the Federation of Industries of Northern Greece (FING) addressed the members of the newly established Association with their welcoming speeches. Ambassador Mr. R. Mustafayev informed the forum participants and the members of the newly formed Association on the history of Azerbaijan, economic development and foreign policy of the country, current status of Azerbaijani-Hellenic relations.

Alongside with Greek-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce, established last November,  the Association will promote further development of the cooperation between two friendly countries in the areas of trade and investment, culture, science and education, youth and sport exchanges. The establishment of this organization reflects the growing interest of businessmen and politicians, scientific and cultural circles of Northern Greece to strengthen the multifaceted relations and cooperation with Azerbaijan.

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