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δελτίο τύπου 02 mart 2013

Azerbaijan to strengthen business, cultural and educational cooperation with the Northern Greece

On February 28 Ambassador Rahman Mustafayev paid a working visit to Thessaloniki where he met with the Governor of the Region of Central Macedonia Mr. Apostolos Tzitzikostas. During the meeting two sides discussed various issues of bilateral cooperation in the fields of trade and investments, culture, tourism and education. Ambassador Mustafayev underlined that the upcoming concert of Azerbaijani music by Tunzale Agayeva on the 1of March at Thessaloniki Concert Hall should be considered as the first step in bridging Azerbaijan with the Northern Greece.  He added, that by bringing Azerbaijani music to Thessaloniki for the first time in the history of bilateral Azerbaijani-Hellenic relations  Azerbaijani side wanted to show its interest to strengthen multifaceted cooperation with the northern regions of Greece.

He also stressed the importance of developing concrete projects between the cities of Thessaloniki and Ganja – the second biggest city of Azerbaijan – in line with the decision on establishment sister-partnership between two these cities in October 2011.

The next day, on the 1 of March, Ambassador Mustafayev paid visits to the University of Macedonia and Aristotle University of Macedonia where he discussed with the rectors Mr. Yannis Hajidimitriou and Mr. Yannis Mylopoulos the prospects of implementation of concrete projects in the fields of education and science between these universities and their partners in Azerbaijan.

To read about the visit in Greek Press please press here.

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