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δελτίο τύπου 30 oktyabr 2012

Azerbaijani films demonstrated at the International Peloponnese Film Festival

On October 6-11th, 2012 First International Peloponnese Film Festival was held in Lutraki under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Tourism of Greece, Embassies of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, Prefecture of Peloponnese, Municipality of Lutraki and local companies and touristic agencies with the sponsorship of Club Hotel Casino Lutraki.

Azerbaijani films – “Fortress” and “Stepping over the Horizon” by the director Mr. Shamil Najafzade, and “There Was Never a Better Brother” by the director M. Maksud Ibrahimbeyov were also demonstrated within the festival program and won the heart of the spectators.

On the “Day of Azerbaijan”, October 9th, by the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Hellenic Republic hosted reception was organized for the festival participants.

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