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δελτίο τύπου 23 dekabr 2011

“Together we can”- Baku-2020

There was held a presentation of symbol, slogans and web page on candidacy of Baku for hosting the 2020 Summer Olympic Games and Paralympic Games in 2020. Azerbaijani National Olympic Committee Vice-President Chingiz Huseynzade said the sports infrastructure established in recent years is evidence to the state support to the sport.

Youth and Sports Minister Azad Rahimov told reporters that the main goal in the qualifying round is to prepare “Order Book” containing information about Baku and Azerbaijan by February 2012. He said the preparatory work involved three world-level companies. “The people’s support is more important that the state support for Baku’s victory in this regard,” he stated.

“Together we can” (Biz birlikde bacarariq) is the slogan of the Baku Olympic and Paralympic Games 2020 The presentation was attended by Olympic medalists Zemfira Meftahetdinova (bench shooting), Elnur Mammadov (judo) and Ilham Zakiyev (judo). During the ceremony, there was also presented the official website of Baku Olympic and Paralympic Games 2020 –


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