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Press release 05 May 2017

Presentation on the progress of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline project to 50+ Embassies in Greece at the initiative of the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Greece

The Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) AG co-hosted on 4 May 2017 a breakfast meeting with H.E. the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Greece and Dean of the Diplomatic Corps in Athens, Mr. Rahman Mustafayev, so as to inform the Embassies located in Greece about the progress of the TAP project. The event was attended by representatives of more than 50 Embassies, as well as delegates from the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

H.E. the Ambassador of Azerbaijan Mr. Rahman Mustafayev welcomed his peers, and thanked them for their interest and participation in the meeting for the TAP project. "Part of the huge energy investment that is the Southern Gas Corridor, TAP’s implementation is of critical importance on a political, geo-political and business level," he noted. Mr. Mustafayev subsequently introduced TAP’s Management, represented by Managing Director, Mr. Ian Bradshaw; Project Director, Mr. John Haynes; and TAP’s Country Manager for Greece, Mr. Rikard Scoufias.

Ian Bradshaw provided general information on TAP, i.e. the European leg of the Southern Gas Corridor, its purpose, and what its implementation entails, since it “ensures strategic targets of the European Union, namely energy security and diversification.” He also elaborated on TAP’s progress in its three host countries, as well as the project’s key achievements, thanking all involved stakeholders, contractors, partners and employees for their contribution.

John Haynes presented in detail the pipeline’s construction process, highlighting security as the project’s absolute priority, while Rikard Scoufias focused on how TAP is being implemented in Greece with respect to local communities, as demonstrated in the engagement and consultation process followed; the extensive communication campaigns launched; the social and environmental investments programme drafted and implemented; and the benefits TAP brings to Greece – both present and future ones.

The event was concluded with a discussion on TAP among the distinguished speakers and guests.

About the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP)

TAP will transport natural gas from the giant Shah Deniz II field in Azerbaijan to Europe. The approximately 878 km long pipeline will connect with the Trans Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP) at the Turkish-Greek border at Kipoi, cross Greece and Albania and the Adriatic Sea, before coming ashore in Southern Italy.

TAP’s routing can facilitate gas supply to several South Eastern European countries, including Bulgaria, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and others. TAP’s landfall in Italy provides multiple opportunities for further transport of Caspian natural gas to some of the largest European markets such as Germany, France, the UK, Switzerland and Austria.

TAP will promote economic development and job creation along the pipeline route; it will also be a major source of foreign direct investment. With first gas sales to Georgia and Turkey targeted for late 2018, first deliveries to Europe will follow around early 2020.

TAP’s shareholding is comprised of BP (20%), SOCAR (20%), Snam (20%), Fluxys (19%), Enagás (16%) and Axpo (5%).
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